Post 4

 If can time travel i would go to the past because could see people who died , like my gread aunt anita because i was child (seven year old) and give my past selft the numbers of lotery becouse i do not want to work and i will make philantropic activities becouse learning is important for me . i would like to stay there for a time because i would enjoy time with my great uncle anita because for me she was like a grandmother. another thing it would be knowing my grandfather on my father's side because he died one year before i was born after these activities i would visit my  dad. His dead was of improvise and we were not even able say goodbye , he was a good father and a correct person who cared that we were always well, i hope to de like him.and to end this i'd go to travel to present becouse i have a story to write (my life).as master oogway said "yesterday is history,tomorow is a mystery,but today is a gift.tha is why it is called the present".

in my future i expect become an organic chemist and i be a good person (morally and ethically) and with my kwouledge help to society. if not what is tre poin of knowing.



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