Post 2 best holidays

 The best holidays was in 2019 in ferbrary.I went to coyhaique. this holidays were longer , 2 weeks , i went 4 friends.

the activities we did were leasing a car in the airport in Balmaceda from there went to Coyhaique in Coyhaique we spent the night. the next we went to natural reserve two lagunas. where we get lost in the reserve taking the long path after that we went to rio tranquilo for visiting the catedrales de marmol. following this trip we arrived to lake beltran where ate pizza and were rafting. followin with trip the next parade was lord cochran where we dane a bbq. the next day we went to caleta tolten , there we took a boat to the isla de los muertos (it is called that because an expedition of lumberjack died ). at the end of the day we returned to cochrane . the next morning we traveled to Chile Chico that is where we had an accident that could have cost us our lives, the vehicle fall over arriving to Chile Chico.after that we returned by ferry to Coihayque and returned to Santiago.

this holliday has followed relevant because are the first holidays whit friends far from spit of the accident.


  1. :o we almost had no argento anymore, such a great holidays though!

  2. The south of Chile it's beutiful and some expensive hehe but it worth it. Your trip sounds very entertaining, despite the accident.

  3. I think holidays that are just with friends are the best.

  4. The acident car is the best part hahahaha


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