Post 1 a country you would like to visit

   The country i would like to visit is Italy because i need to reconect with my origins. one part of my family is from Italy, in specific my grandpa, i want to meet my grandpa's sisters before they are dead because they are 90 years old, and my entire my italian family.

i know the gastronomy because of my familly also i know how to speak italian, my uncles and dad speak it. also  know its old arquitecture like the tower of pizza , roman coliseum                                                     

i like to see the town of my family Sicilia in CastroFilippo and see the Vatican.

i wouldnt like to live/work/study there, i preffer another country to do that


  1. I hope you can visit that country and meet your grandpa's sisters and learn about your origins!

  2. I would like to meet italy to, the pizza from there looks god


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