
Blog 5

 I would change in the program of Chemistry , i would be eliminate algebra lineal , calculo multivariable and one cfg because this curses are not important from my point of view. Regarding workload and length of studies , i would change the duration i mean the first cicle (bachelor's degree) i would reduce it to 3 years an the master's degree to 1 year like in Europe. regarding the Faculty facilities  i would add in the aukario one elevator , this is for peolple with imobility problems and i would improve the classroms especially the lecture chairs this is what i mean a table with chairs as it appears in the image. regarding methods in general are good but i prefer the use of whiteboard from the teacher.

Post 4

 If can time travel i would go to the past because could see people who died , like my gread aunt anita because i was child (seven year old) and give my past selft the numbers of lotery becouse i do not want to work and i will make philantropic activities becouse learning is important for me . i would like to stay there for a time because i would enjoy time with my great uncle anita because for me she was like a grandmother. another thing it would be knowing my grandfather on my father's side because he died one year before i was born after these activities i would visit my  dad. His dead was of improvise and we were not even able say goodbye , he was a good father and a correct person who cared that we were always well, i hope to de like him.and to end this i'd go to travel to present becouse i have a story to write (my life).as master oogway said "yesterday is history,tomorow is a mystery,but today is a gift.tha is why it is called the present". in my future i expec

Post 3

 My dream jobs would be working in the chemical industry in a irganic chemistry lab. in the are of organic products like organic pesticides, i would like to work in pharmaceuticals making or creating new drugs (medicines), this is very interesanting because i can help people with their pain this is in the area of medicines or drugs and the agronomy area i can help to end hunger of the population as did the discovery of sisntesis of ammonia. The skills i need is a lot of knowledge in torganic chemistry and for industry i need a lot of calculus.In general knowledge chemistry, laboratory skills and social skills for communicating with people and company collaborators. i am studing Chemistry and i would like to specialize in organic chemistry this studies the behaivior of links to form carbon based compounds. i expect to work in a laboratory like BASF or Bayer for me gain experience. after these i want to create my own laboratory and company for making and seling fertilizers and pesticides

Post 2 best holidays

  The best holidays was in 2019 in ferbrary.I went to coyhaique. this holidays were longer , 2 weeks , i went 4 friends. the activities we did were leasing a car in the airport in Balmaceda from there went to Coyhaique in Coyhaique we spent the night. the next we went to natural reserve two lagunas. where we get lost in the reserve taking the long path after that we went to rio tranquilo for visiting the catedrales de marmol. following this trip we arrived to lake beltran where ate pizza and were rafting. followin with trip the next parade was lord cochran where we dane a bbq. the next day we went to caleta tolten , there we took a boat to the isla de los muertos (it is called that because an expedition of lumberjack died ). at the end of the day we returned to cochrane . the next morning we traveled to Chile Chico that is where we had an accident that could have cost us our lives, the vehicle fall over arriving to Chile Chico.after that we returned by ferry to Coihayque and returned t

Post 1 a country you would like to visit

   The country i would like to visit is Italy because i need to reconect with my origins. one part of my family is from Italy, in specific my grandpa, i want to meet my grandpa's sisters before they are dead because they are 90 years old, and my entire my italian family. i know the gastronomy because of my familly also i know how to speak italian, my uncles and dad speak it. also  know its old arquitecture like the tower of pizza , roman coliseum                                                      i like to see the town of my family Sicilia in CastroFilippo and see the Vatican. i wouldnt like to live/work/study there, i preffer another country to do that